Saturday, September 1, 2007

Something that ticks me off

I don't mean to go off on a rant here......but WHAT IS THE DEAL with chuches putting "cute" little saying on their marques, instead of putting..oh, I don't know....maybe a SCRIPTURE VERSE? Do churches think the Bible has become too boring, that we have to put cute saying up? And sometimes, the person chosing the saying is so out of touch, that they are putting out a message that is not quite what they meant to say. A church near my house does this, and about a year ago, I almost had a wreck when I drove by and saw, "Expecting a harvest? Keep on hoeing". I planned on taking a picture of it and sending it in to Jay Leno, but apparently someone informed the preacher of the alternative meaning to this, and it was taken down within a week.
But I point IS, churches need to STOP with the cutsy little sayings, and instead let's put up life changing verses from the Bible. Either that, or we need to put away the Bible, and start preaching Chicken Soup for the Soul instead.

Wednesday, July 18, 2007

Who do you hang with?

Do you remember how our mothers would always tells us, "people will judge you by the people you run around with"? Well, I do, and now that I'm older, I'm beginning to wonder just how true that is. Do we do that? Do must of us, whether we consciencly do it or not, judge people by who they hang around with? Now, I know us Christians have a hard time with the word "judge"...I don't necessarily mean do we "judge" in the scripture since of the word, but do we see people differently by who they hang with? Has there ever been a time when you met someone, and you didn't know them very well, but you thought they were a pretty cool person, and then you found out who their best friend was, and it was someone you thought was a total jerk. Have you ever caught yourself trying to find a "jerk" part of the first guy that you thought was cool?
Another thought along these lines are, do our friends represent a part of who we are? I mean, I think about all the people in my life that I call friends, and I would be proud for people to "judge" me based on them, because, of course, I think all my friends are cool. But if I didn't think they were cool, and were proud of who they were, then why would they be my friend? WOW, this is getting deep.
Anyway, what sparked this is I have a coworker...we'll call her Jill. I don't know Jill very well, but from the conversations I've had with her and stuff, I thought Jill was really cool. Of course I"m a happily married man, so I don't think she is "too" cool, but you know what i mean. Anyway, I found out who her best friend was, and it is another coworker we'll call Jamie. Jamie gets on my nerves, is not a very good employee, and has many other personality flaws (like we all do) that get on my nerves. Well, I caught myself re-evaluating how cool Jill was, strickly based on the fact that her best friend was Jamie. And that bothered me. So I would love other people's input on this subject. Let me know your thoughts!!

Tuesday, July 3, 2007

Date night

Every Tuesday night my wife and I go out and have datenight. The first thing we do is go out to eat. We have a list of all the restaurants in Waco, and we chose one and go. But the problem is coming up with fun ideas for after dinner. We have a limited amount of time, since we have a 12 year old son. We leave the house at 6:30, and have to be back by no later than 9:59. Mostly all we do is either go see a movie, or go wander around at the bookstore, or go get ice cream. A couple times we have gone bowling. But I'm having a hard time coming up with new good ideas for our date night. Sometimes (like right now) money is short and we need ideas of cheap things to do, and other times we have a little extra spendin' money. Anyone out there have any great ideas of fun things to do around Waco on a Tuesday night????? Help a brotha out!!

Where I am week, He is strong

You know how we as Christians talk about how many times God calls us to do something that we are week in so that His strength shines through, instead of our own? Well, that is VERY true in my life. Because I’ve realized something……I don’t like people. Now, don’t get me wrong, I have best friends, close friends, and good acquaintances, as well as family, and I love (and like) them all very much. But in general, people get on my nerves.
But where has my career taken me? God called me to go to college to be a Social worker. I worked a few years doing community social work, meeting people in their homes and trying to help them with community services and help them talk things out. After that, I took my social work into the nursing homes, where I was surrounded by people for 8+ hours a day! Then God sent me back to school to get my nursing home administrator’s license. And now I work as an administrator, where not only do I have to deal with the residents, but also with ALL my staff, and with family members, other healthcare businesses, etc… But even with my dislike for people, every time I’ve stepped into my building, I have automatically been consumed with love for my clients/ residents/family members. It’s amazing. My life has been so blessed by many of the people I’ve had the pleasure of helping. And it is all God. Same goes for mission trips. God has called me to go on many mission trips, and every time I get off that plane, I am consumed with love for that people group; sometimes to the extent of tears.
But I know it is all God, because I can be walking around my nursing home, loving on people, and then leave for lunch, run up to Wal-Mart, and be ticked off at the ignorance of some people. But as soon as I walk back in the doors of my building, I “love everyone”. It’s really amazing how God calls us to things we are the weakest in. It always reminds me of Moses, who had a stutter, and was called to be the spokesman of God’s people.

Tuesday, June 26, 2007

First test!

Ok peeps (and peepettes) I have my first nursing home administrator licensing exam THIS thursday, June 28th, at 9:00am. I've been studying my booty off (although it is still rather large) for this test. I have had to memorize facts such as how tall a window has to be in a resident's room, how many inches from the wall a bed has to be, the maximum temperature for staple food storage in pantry at the five foot level, and how many inches of clothes hanging space per resident. Fun times! But, it is very important that I pass, since I already have an administrator's job. ;-)
I've moved my second test up to July 5th, giving myself a week between tests. So please be praying for a brotha on these tests! Because, if your grandma had to go into a nursing home, wouldn't you want ME to be the one running it? Ok, nevermind; don't answer that! hehe...just pray.

Tuesday, June 5, 2007

Tibits about Creecy (that's me) and my random thoughts

I am a Christian
I love the Lord my God
I love music.
I like Toby Keith's music.
Any other Country music makes me wanna grab a gun and aim it at my ear.
Johhny Cash's music was NOT country.
I like cheeseburgers.
I like McDonalds burgers, as well as a burger from some fancy smancy hamburger place.
NO, I would NOT like a drink with that; why would I pay $3 for a cup of ice and a little brown liquid you call coke that was made with Waco Water?
Dallas Cowboys RULE!!
I like the Dallas Mavericks, but don't watch them much; not top priority
I'm married to the most wonderful woman in da WORLD!
I have a GREAT soon to be 12 year old son; I love hime with all my heart, although sometimes, "that boy ain't right".
Jessica Simpson is the second most beautiful woman in the world, and my wife said I can sleep with her if she ever offers. (Do you HEAR that Jessica? All you have to do is ASK!)
I believe adultry is wrong.
Chips are overrated.
My TIVO gets me, but sometimes, I don't get it
I love playing texas hold 'em.
My wife always beats me at Texas hold 'em.
I suck.
I work as an administrator of a nursing home.
I like old people
Straight guys should NOT wear pink.
Gay guys and gals need to give the rainbow back.
I love Morocco
I'd love to move to Morocco someday
I'm going to Vegas on June 17, 2007! WOOHOO
The only reason I work 50 weeks a year is to get that other 2 weeks off!
The phone business is getting out of control!
I"m scared
Thelma Flinstone was HOT!
Michael Jackson is INNOCENT
I would never let my son spend the night with Michael Jackson
Frosted flakes are white, and they taste "Great". CoCo puffs are dark, and you have to be "coocoo" for coco puffs. How racist is THAT?
White rice is called what? White rice. What do you call dark rice? WILD RICE. How racist is that?
I once heard a racist stereotype that Mexicans were lazy; but that's NOT true. I ALWAYS see a flock of "Juans" mowing people's yards. (that one is for you, my friend Juan!)
Politicians suck
I"m half white/half black.
Black from waist down, white from waist up (draw your own conclusions)
I'm an Antiocher
Rush is the best secular band ever
I love watching "MSNBC To catch a predator"
I like pizza a great deal.
I don't like beer, but I DO like fruity wine coolers.
But I never drink them while wearing a pink shirt
I like my steak cooked Medium, please.
David Letterman RULES. Leno WHO?
I'm more of a boob man.
I don't like cats....and they don't like me.
Got in trouble once in Primary school for being caught in the girls restroom. I was going to be given a warning. I told the principal "this is a free country".
I got a spanking at school by the principal after being caught in the girls restroom.
I like the smell of my own farts.
I DON"T like the smell yours
When I fart in bed it is sexy.
When a woman farts in bed......not sexy.
There are so many books, so little time.
I like you, you are kool!
I want to be kool, too.

Monday, May 28, 2007

Texas Hold 'em

JoAnne and I have become somewhat addicted to Texas Hold 'em poker. We have two video games of it, and have found a few internet sites to play against other people. We have about 3 books on it, and we TIVO all the poker games and championships, and we TIVO the "learn from the pros" shows. Well a friend of ours told us they play with a group that gets together once a month to play. So JoAnne and I went Friday. There were 17 of us playing. Well, I couldn't catch a break, and was the 5th person out. But JoAnne was on a ROLL. After a few hours of playing, there were only 4 people of the 17 left...and yes, JoAnne was one of them. JoAnne was then dealt pocket 10's, and one of the other guys went all in, so JoAnne called. The other guy ended up with a flush and beat JoAnne. The guy that did it was the guy's house we played at. I told JoAnne it was probably good that she lost, because it would be rude to come into the guy's house and beat him the first time we were invited to play. But anyway,I was very proud of her coming in 4th out of 17. We will be playing again next month with them.JoAnne and I are going to Vegas in June, and we want to play texas hold 'em there, but are pretty nervous about that. I don't know if we will get the courage to do it.